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How can we log all the real time data like motor current, battery current,etc to analyze them later?

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Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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How can we log all the real time data like motor current, battery current,etc to analyze them later?

Hi, can anyone tell me if there is a way to log all the real-time data in excel file or something like it so that I can analyze them later?


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I have been trying to figuring that out too.  One way is to used another app.   

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Please let me know if you figure out something. I don't want to use another app

Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
VESC FreeVESC OriginalVESC Platinum
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Logging to CSV is now implemented in the latest version of VESC Tool. It also works in the android version if you want to log data on the go.

I also made a quite boring screen capture of the implementation process:


Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
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I've been trying to figure out the logging but cannot seem to find the file I created. Using the android app. Can someone explain how it works? I saved a .CSV file on the SD card and go to file:///sdcard and nothing is there . 

Chris Harper

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Thanks alott Benjamin for the video and updating the vesc tool with logging feature.!!

Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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I tried the RT logging function today and after some initial problems (had to set memory access manually on my A5 2016), I got it to work. I chose the folder "documents" which can be found in the explorer easily.

But somehow it does not log mostly of the time and just creates a 0B file. It worked only once out of 10 times, but tbh I don't know anymore what I did differently there.

My usual workflow was:
- connect, switch folder, start logging by applying the checkbox
- swap to realtime data window
- ride
- stop logging by swapping to developer window and removing the check in the checkbox
- disconnect

What triggers the saving process? Should I not swap the window to another but "Developer"?

I am aware that this is still deep beta, but a legend and a unit row would improve the readability of the .csv file - maybe Benjamin can include some sort of header there?

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Hey thanks for the tip on the storage permissions. I don't any errors now and it creates a log file. I'll give it a real test later


Chris Harper

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Hey Benjamin, 

Is there a way to log the current for all three phases? Also, How does the VESC tool calculate the phase currents for digital filtering?

Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
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The latest version has some updates on the logging, and a help text with what the rows mean. It should also work from any tab now, not just the rt tab. I'm also working on a setting to keep the screen on.

Logging the phase currents in real time is not possible, as the required bandwidth would be way too high. The current implementation in sampled data stores them in a RAM buffer on the VESC, and sends that buffer when it is full.

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So, is there any other way to obtain and log the values of phase currents? or reconstruct or calculate the values of phase currents from available data? 

Since the values of Id and Iq are logged in from real-time tab, I am confused why logging of phase currents would be a problem. I mean the values Id and Iq are derived from phase currents using Clarks's and Park's transformation. 




Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
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id and iq are aligned with the rotor and only change slowly. The phase currents rotate at the electrical frequency, and the motor can rotate several electrical revolutions between two samples with the RT sample rate.

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okay, now I understand. Is there any way to calculate or obtain the values of phase currents?

Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
VESC FreeVESC OriginalVESC Platinum
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You can use the sampled data to analyze a couple of milliseconds at a time (which can be really useful), but there is no way to stream the data in real time on any port as there is too much of it. Do you need to export the sampled data, even if it is just a few revolutions?

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Dear Benjamin,

Yes, I need to export sampled data, even if it is for a few milliseconds.

Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
VESC FreeVESC OriginalVESC Platinum
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I have added a button to the sampled data page to save it as a CSV file (was an easy fix). VESC tool is building now, so if you download it around 20 minutes after this reply it should be there.

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Dear Benjamin,

Thank you so much for adding that feature, I am really grateful for your help.

Kind Regards,



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ERROR on windows 7 VESC tool V1.16

Can you please help to check this error when trying to log data on windows 7, "Could not open file for writing"

Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Hi jungaocqu,

I got the same issue with VESC TOOL V1.25  "Could not open file for writing" on WIN7 and WIN10, tried various PC and got always the same message .

The LOG directory is under the vesc_tool.exe same location as required.

If the data logging is really functional on Windows, can someone point to a solution for this issue? I really need to use this great functionality.


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"Could not open file for writing" on WIN7 and WIN10"

FRANK - Benjamin. Come on guys?


Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
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I had a quick look, and apparently you cannot have colons in filenames on windows. This will be fixed in the next version of vesc tool.

Last seen: 6 days 15 hours ago
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Is there no way we can add an sdcard slot to the vesc and log directly? Having to connect by Bluetooth is just not practical for most applications.

Last seen: 3 days 11 hours ago
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Hello!  Is there a way to output a smaller RtData set to get a higher throughput?  Would 1000 Hz sampling rate be possible if number of data set was reduced to say 5?

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I didn't manage to get the android app to write logs (, I tried to get creative, joined both the android and the macbook on a vpn and used the server feature to kind of stream the telemetry from the phone while riding - and use the osx vesc app functionality to save logs at home, it worked for few minutes, but not sure if it takes the gps data and I'm not sure if the laptop or the phone disconnected - so this is not an ideal workaround.

The telemetry data is awesome to have, curious if other people had issues saving the logs on android - maybe there are workarounds ?

Super feature @benjamin, I especially look forward to play around with the log viewer - looking forward to get it to work so I can understand more of the settings through the lenses of telemetry.

[edit] works using the test version, benjamin confirmed this will be fixed in the new android release.


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Just picked up a Flipsky FSESC 4.2 for a friction drive road bike build - it's working great!  I really appreciate the logging capability, as I'm trying to analyze the capacity of my battery (a Chinese "20V" (5s2p) 18650-based power tool battery) and to see how much power I can get and how far I can go.

One question:  Is there an option to set Imperial Units in the Log Analysis section of VESC Tool (Linux version), similar to the "Use Imperial Units" option of the VESC Tool Settings in the Android version?  If so, I can't seem to find it.  If not, can I request that feature for an upcoming release?

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Hello, i am still finding out how exactly this data log is working. Sorry if this was already asked. Do I need the gps antenna? I have my phone with me conncted permanently via BT to the vesc. If I enable data logging now and go driveing, will my route be logged by the gps from the phone?

And at the end of the ride, I check the RT data logging hook again, then there should be a file which I can see in the vesc tool under data analysis, but I cant find it.

Thanks for any help!


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has this feature been fixed?

Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Ok i enabled rt logging, says i can connect my device to a computer,  my phone,  t transfer files ti it for analysis  in the desktop version of vesc tool (under data analysisz>log analysis). 

I can't find this option,  please help
