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Problem to start bldc in vesc tool vesc-mini4 esc

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Problem to start bldc in vesc tool vesc-mini4 esc

Hi all!

Maybe its easy, but i dont know how))

I cant start any motor with esc vesc mini4. 

I tryed wizard, its dont recognize motor. Try to another esc the same truble.


Please help)🤓

Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-25 11:56
Posts: 3

I have sort of a same problem. My motor got recognized by wizard but it ends there. I cant spin the motor after wizard did its tests and gave me the results. It tried to start it with arrow keys and I can hear burring whining sound but nothing happens. If I try to spin it with my hand, it bursts but cogs immediately.


Try choosing another motor type in your wizard start, at least for me it did something different. I have no idea what that has got to do with anything at all but it does.

Cool but not frozen.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-12 14:12
Posts: 3

thank you for replay, but its not helps((

is someone have any other variants?

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With my motor I had the same problems. In my 7KW Innerrunner motor thread I wrote this: "In the beginning the motor was cogging while driving after detection. Then after changing Motor flux linkage from 15.30mWb to 13mWb and switching frequency from 20khz to 60kHz it works fine now."

Thats an example. So play with those values first. 


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Hard to say. Something called VESC mini4  doesn't exist. This is third party hardware, VESC based. Does it relibly spin other motors? Did you try another ESC or original VESC with same settings?

Higher switching frequency should not be needed for this motor, picking bigger motors on wizard determines how much amps are used during detection. Don't go to big when trying out things!

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-12 14:12
Posts: 3

thank you all. when i solve the quest i will post here!