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Motor refuses to spin after Wizard, VESC 6.6

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-25 11:56
Posts: 3
Motor refuses to spin after Wizard, VESC 6.6


I started the VESC tool and its Wizard function. I gave all requested parameters and let the ESC make its measurements, motor spun and burred and did all I expect it should and finally got the results of Ohms, inductance and flux etc. Stored them to a ESC memory. Next I configured the input, PPM which I took from a RC receiver. I manage to map the range so everything looks fine. 

Next I try to spin the motor with my throttle, motor gave slight burring sound but did not spin at all !?!?

VESC is 6.6 and I set the ESC to run in sensorless FOC mode with 12S. Motor is 12" hub motor and the motor recognition wizard gave the pole count to be 46.

Ever since I did not manage to spin the motor, I tried  (a bit randomly) test some things to make at least something to happen. Pole count is simple and dramatic, motor tried to spin but cogged after 1/4 turn, obviously. So my next move would be very much random try of something else.

Where to start debugging ? Is there some obvious faults that I should be looking for?, there are tons of adjustments and randomly trying everything is a no go.

All the Youtube examples are fluently working, no issues, just set it up like I did and it should work, but it didn't.

Thanks for helping !

Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-25 11:56
Posts: 3

I did the Wizard, detection for FOC 12S sensorless, and after detection tried frw / rev test and here it looks like this.. not very promising ,

What is wrong ?

Cool but not frozen.