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Problems with writing Firmware to the processor

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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2018-02-23 14:28
Posts: 2
Problems with writing Firmware to the processor

Dear Benjamin Vedder, dear VESC community


Currently I’m studying at the high school of engineering in Luzern.

Lately we tried to use the VESC to drive some of our homemade motors.

Now I have the problem that I can’t flash some parts of the software, and I was hoping you could help to find out what is going wrong.


I use a virtual machine with Ubuntu 17.10 running on a Windows7 and an ST-Link V2 Programmer.

The VESC’s hardware version is 4.12 and it uses an STM32F405RGT6 processor.


I tried to set up the system according to but had some problems.

For once, I was not able to install the toolchain properly



After that I built the software and tried to upload it. Sadly the “make upload” wasn’t successful.


Almost the same results for trying to upload the bootloader.




Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2018-02-23 14:28
Posts: 2

After that, I used the other command in the makefile in the upload section, which also didn’t work, but for a different reason as it seems.




After that, I tried a different approach by taking the .hex files and trying to flash the software onto the processor via the ST-Link utility software that came with the ST-Link v2 programmer. Now I don’t know if you have any experience with this program but I thought I may include it so you get the context to what I am trying to do.


Funny enough, I was able to write the bootloader onto the processor with it.




However, I encountered some problems while writing the operation-system.

It was able to write the first few lines but crashed as it tried to write the sections after 0x0800C000



Did anyone else encounter a problem similar to this or has spotted some obvious problems in the process?



Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2017-12-25 17:04
Posts: 5

Think I´m having a similar problem did you solve it?