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Some ideas to improve VESC

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Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-11 10:16
Posts: 52
Some ideas to improve VESC

1. Throttle protection (for safety reasons)

I have noticed if regeneration is applied at the same time with the throttle and regeneration is released you get instant drive from throttle if it is not in zero position. In my opinion if throttle is applied during regeneration (in most times by accident) and after releasing regeneration throttle should have no response until you set it to zero.

2. Faults saving to EEPROM

It would be nice if maybe 10 fault (or something like that) sliding fault log which stores faults to EEPROM have been implemented. 


I have implemented these improvements to my old controller (HV4.12) but it is uncomfortable to move all these changes then ever new software is released.

Benjamin, could it be possible for you somehow to implement these changes in main stream software?


Thanks, Martin.

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The first one can be implemented easily, I have added it to the TODO list:

The second one is a bit more tricky. Writing to flash completely stalls the CPU, so it cannot be done at the same time as the motor is driven. It could possibly be done during the fault stop time. I agree that it would be a really useful feature, so I will have a look at what I can do.

Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2017-09-11 10:16
Posts: 52


Yes, I'm writing errors to flash during fault stop time. Only one thing is that compiler doesn't like my variable location in eeprom, gives me a warning every time (you should write code a lot better). But it works, no "kaboom" since I'm using this correction, and yeah at the beginning there was a lot of faults related to some hardware issues.


Roger Wolff
Last seen: 3 weeks 5 days ago
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Joined: 2017-05-24 12:27
Posts: 203

What eeprom? The STM32F405 does not have an eeprom.