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Noise with Hall sensor at high speed

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Noise with Hall sensor at high speed

Hey guys.

I am using VESC4 to current control a relatively big motor with 23 pair poles and the kv of about 9 rpm/volt. I am using Hall sensors and FOC mode. I need the operation at very low speed even in static and also at max speed. I am using 36 volt battery. I used two different configuration as below. I have some problems in both. I would be grateful if you give me some hints.

  • Completely with sensor (In all possible speed range): I set the sensorless erpm high enough that the motor never reaches that therefore it is controlling always with sensors. In this case motor makes a lot of noise at high speed. And the noise is higher when the speed is higher. An also it generates vibration in all parts of system.
  • Hybrid mode:  If I set the sensorless erpm in something reachable, the motor has no noise but at moment it passes the sensorless erpm, it makes a jerk which is totally undesirable in the system.

How can I solve the problem?? Do you think the VESC6 would not have this problem?



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Have you tried full sensorless to be sure the noise don't come from vibrations at high speed?!

I have tried several motors and some very light outrunners are vibrating.

Bearings can also produce noise.

Have a Nice Day.


Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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The noise is definitely coming from vibrations in high speed which are generated by vesc when using sensors. And I want to know why. Without using sensor, I said that there is no noise and vibration.

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Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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The noise is coming from interpolation limit in my opinion. As long as I remember from practice it should be around 13k EERPM.

Interpolation limit is written in code and can't be changed from VESC Tool. It can be found in mcpwm_foc.c file. 

if (rpm_abs < 100) {
                // Don't interpolate on very low speed, just use the closest hall sensor
                ang_hall = ang_hall_now;
            } else {
                // Interpolate
                float diff = utils_angle_difference_rad(ang_hall, ang_hall_now);
                if (fabsf(diff) < ((2.0 * M_PI) / 12.0)) {
                    // Do interpolation
                    ang_hall += speed * dt;
                } else {
                    // We are too far away with the interpolation
                    ang_hall -= diff / 100.0;

If you want to increase EERPM of hall sensors just change the line :

 if (fabsf(diff) < ((2.0 * M_PI) / 12.0))


 if (fabsf(diff) < ((2.0 * M_PI) / 6.0))

And your max supported hall speed should be around 26k EERPM. Just bare in mind that hall detection should be done really precisely (use higher current when detecting hall).

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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@e-biker: If you want to use hall sensors at a higher RPM, there is a setting for that in VESC Tool. (It changes the m_conf->foc_sl_erpm setting used further up in the function you quoted, to set using_hall true or false.)

If I understand this code correctly, the

if (fabsf(diff) < ((2.0 * M_PI) / 12.0))

line compares the actual, read hall position to the interpolated one. If they are less than 1/12 of an electrical revolution apart, the interpolated estimate is adjusted according to the current speed. Otherwise, the estimate is considered faulty and backed off(?) a bit - I think.

There are three hall sensors, and they go through two values each per electrical revolution, for 6 hall states/rev. The estimated value should never pass outside the "zone" of the current hall state - if it does, then we know the estimate is wrong. The "zone" stretches "half a zone" in width on each side of the hall position, i.e. ±1/12 of a turn.

So changing this to 1/6 of a turn like you are suggesting should allow the estimate to fall far outside of the correct zone. Not sure why you'd want to do that?

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@arvidb: You are absolutely right, but I had no choice.

I have made my own high power VESC based on HW 4.12 and found that in FOC it can't run properly on high currents (400A). So I changed interpolation limit that I can run it only on hall even that it is not accurate as senseless observer.

And it runs pretty smoothly, with my hubzila i can hit 16k EEPRM @ 87V with no problem (with no load you can hear some desync, but riding in real life I haven't noticed anything - maybe some efficiency loss). Increasing switching frequency to 30kHz due to better timing helped a bit. 

Thanks for explanation.


Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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@yosoufe: Did you try different sensorless erpm settings in hybrid mode? Especially very low ones? With such a low Kv your motor should generate lots of voltage at low rpm which I guess should make the observer able to track OK even at low (e)rpms. Maybe you can find a setting where the hall sensors and observer "agrees" about the position of the rotor, for minimal jerk at the switch-over?

Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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I will try and see what I will get. Do you know how much bemf is required at minimum to do position estimation??

I remember I had another problem as well when I was using sensorless. During the braking I had jerk. But that was for long time ago with another motor and has been never tested again.

Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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I tested few times more. I have still the jerk. I couldn't find a speed limit that doesn't create the jerk.


And the motor doesn't reach more than 10000 erpm so I guess I don't need the code modification as e-biker suggested. Am I understanding correct?