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Help with a settings for only generator

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Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
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Help with a settings for only generator

Heello everybody!

Well... I need help to solve some questions with the settings with VESCTool. I have a little project which objetive is only charge a battery with the wind energy.

I have:


  • Max Power: 3150 Watts
  • Max Amps: 80 Amps
  • Max Volts: 12S
  • Max Torque: 3.57Nm


  • Built in 5V BEC (Used to power your receiver.)
  • Voltage: 8V to 60V (Up to 14S LiPo Voltage)
  • Current: Up to 240A for a few seconds or 50A continous
  • PCB size is 40mm x 60mm
  • Regenerative Braking
  • Sensored or Sensorless operation
  • Great start-up torque with sensorless motors
  • VESC complete size is 120mm long, 40mm wide.
  • VESC Hardware v4.12
  • VESC Firmware v2.18

Li-ion battery 52v, Continus current 15A  Max current charge 2.5A from e-bike


Well, I have read all tutorials and information about VESCTool and I have a couple questions: 

According the tutorial I must select:
Type: FOC
Motor Current Max: 70A
Motor Current Max Brake: 2.5A (because of the Max, current charge battery)
Battery Current Max: 12A
Battery Current Max Regen: 2.5A

battery cutoff voltage:
Start: 47.6

motor sensors

Hall Sensor


Setup Wizard for single VESC


- All right with this motor settings?
-In Setup VESC... I have a problem/dude, I don't have a controller because I don't need it. The energy always will be Wind-->motor-->VESC-->Battery so... I don't need configurate this settings right? if I put like 80rpm Max and the VESC detect more rpm's, it will active the brake to not go more than 80rpm. true?? And exactly when do I generate energy? Only when the VESC is braking the motor or I will always generate energy if the motor is moving with the wind? 


Enough for now... 

Thanks so much! I hope help :)


Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2018-03-02 16:26
Posts: 5

no one?? :(

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2018-01-16 23:09
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Motor Current Max Brake: 2.5A (because of the Max, current charge battery)

The VESC acts as a DC/DC converter, so when the motor spins slowly (and generates a low voltage and possibly a high current), this gets transformed to the battery voltage at a lower current. So you should leave this setting to the maximum the motor can handle. "Battery Current Max Regen" is what limits the current to the battery.

The VESC needs to be braking the motor for energy to be generated.

Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2018-03-02 16:26
Posts: 5

so.. I must put "Motor Current Max Brake: 75A" and  " Battery Current Max Regen: 2,3A" Right?


edit: I'm looking now in a VESC Tool a setting to put on always the brake to generate electricity to charge the battery but I can't find it. Do you know where? or maybe if I put "Max rpm: 80" and when the VESC detect that the motor is turning higher than that the brake will activate to fixed in 80rpm. Does it work this way or I don't know nothing? xD

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Your battery is probably to high in voltage. 12S is the max, rated 44.4V. Full at roughly 51V. If you use a 13S e-bike battery, you will fry the ESC instantly (within milliseconds).

60V is the absolute max including voltage spikes. If you use a 13S battery voltage spikes will go far beyond 60V! So check the Battery again!

2.5A Battery regen will hardly make the brakes work. You will need more on that side I guess! The energy you generate needs to go somewhere! Especially at high RPM the battery regen value defines the strength of your brakes! At lower speeds the Motor regen values gets more dominant. You can test if 2.5A at the desired motor speed will be good enough.

Your Battery Max defines the max output power of the system! Increasing Motor max will only help at low throttle input values, but not at full throttle. Since you will only generate, this value should not matter to much.

Motor Max can be as high as the motor can swallow before going into saturation. Battery max can be as high as your battery safely allows.

Again: If you only generate, those values are not to importatnt. Battery Max Regen and Motor Max Regen are the two values of interest.


Max ERPM will set the point the VESC will try not to overshoot. If your input power to the generator is to high, it will make the motor spin faster. The generator can only work to the point where it can build up loads that are higher than the input power into the generator. If you would attach your tiny generator to a big wind turbine, it would not be able to stop the blades to rev up faster.





Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2018-03-02 16:26
Posts: 5

"Your battery is probably to high in voltage. 12S is the max, rated 44.4V. Full at roughly 51V. If you use a 13S e-bike battery, you will fry the ESC instantly (within milliseconds).

60V is the absolute max including voltage spikes. If you use a 13S battery voltage spikes will go far beyond 60V! So check the Battery again!"

Yeah! I saw that problem when I wrote this post, I changed the battery for another one and now I am working with a Li-ion 36V (10S) 11,6Ah, Discharg continue 15A, Pulse 18A (10min), Max. Current charge: 2,35A

"2.5A Battery regen will hardly make the brakes work. You will need more on that side I guess! The energy you generate needs to go somewhere! Especially at high RPM the battery regen value defines the strength of your brakes! At lower speeds the Motor regen values gets more dominant. You can test if 2.5A at the desired motor speed will be good enough. "

okey, so, you are telling me that the "true" brake is Bat. Regen and Motor Max Brake is only for slowly rpms. Right? But if the battery features says "2,35A Max current charge". Shall I have problem to increase the value of Battery regen to 2,35A?

" Max ERPM will set the point the VESC will try not to overshoot. If your input power to the generator is to high, it will make the motor spin faster. The generator can only work to the point where it can build up loads that are higher than the input power into the generator. If you would attach your tiny generator to a big wind turbine, it would not be able to stop the blades to rev up faster. "

Yeah I know! I need to probe if the Battery Max regen can win to the generator power, because if the generator is stronger the ESC won't can stop the motor.


So a good first settings for now are:

Type: FOC
Motor Current Max: 70A
Motor Current Max Brake: 70A (because of the Max. current motor is 80A)
Battery Current Max: 15A
Battery Current Max Regen: 2.35A or 15A???

battery cutoff voltage:
Start: 34V
END: 31V


Last seen: 6 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2018-03-02 16:26
Posts: 5


I am doing progress to configurate my VESC.

I write it to helping someone if he/she has the same project.


To activate the brake all time and without controller you must use the App settings just in "General" and put a value in "Timeout Brake current". Now you are going activate the brake all time. But additionally I have modificated:

1` in this same "App" "general": App to use- NONE

2` "PPM" "Control type" OFF

3` "Nunckuk" : control type OFF


I have moficated all that because I don't use a controller so I want that the VESC know it but I don't know if it is really necessary. If someone can explain this I'll appreciate it