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Motor Overheating in FOC

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Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2021-09-21 13:09
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Motor Overheating in FOC

Hi Guys,

I have a custom built 10 pole, 860kV, 48v, sensor-less brushless DC motor (medium inrunner), that i am trying to spin at 30,000 RPM for a project i am doing, 

I am using a Dual FSESC6.6 6.7, running in FOC mode. I have run the FOC setup wizard selecting the direct drive option and it successfully detects the parameters. After a bunch of tweaking i was able to get the motor to spin at a constant rpm (around 29,000 rpm, 147000 ERPM).

I was only able to do this using duty cycle control and when i attempt to use ERPM control the motor seems to loose position of the stator at higher rpms and just sorta revs upto around 100,000 ERPM for a second and stops, it does this repeatedly.

However, i noticed that on duty cycle control, the motor starts to heat up insanely quick, reaching around 70degs after a minute of runtime at around 25-29k RPM. Is there any setting on VESC i can change to reduce this/ am i doing anything wrong ? I am quite new to VESC. 

Below i have attached the settings i have used, also worth noting that this is not for an eskate/efoil, i just want to get the motor to run cooler.




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The motor heats up because the fast spinning magnets create eddy currents in the stator. So even at very little amps fast spinning motors temd to heat up fast.


Last seen: 1 year 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2024-01-24 08:25
Posts: 1


I am also working on a project with a BLDC motor running high RPM. Did you mange to find any solution to the motor heating up?