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Under rated VESC for motor, problem?

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Alistair Goodman
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Joined: 2021-08-03 17:44
Posts: 11
Under rated VESC for motor, problem?

Hi all, 

I'm planning on buying a motor that suggests it should be run with a 250/300A VESC, the motor has a max current of 200A. 

In reality I don't plan on running the motor near this current, and will be much closer to a continuous operation of about 50A occasionally spiking to 100A. 

The VESC I currently have is the new 75V with 60A continuous capabilities and 120A instantaneous, will I still be good to use this VESC with my motor, as long as I have the current limits set appropriately, or am I missing something?

Appreciate any help, 


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The max possible currents are limited in FW, so you can't exceed them unless you load the NO LIMITS firmware.

Probably it is better to use a bigger unit, for example the 75/300. It also depends a lot on ambient temperature.

You can try out theVESC 6 /75 if the power output is good enough and if you can attach the device to a heat sink or lager thermal structure.


Alistair Goodman
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Joined: 2021-08-03 17:44
Posts: 11

Great thanks a lot Frank appreciate the help, will give it a go with the new vesc 6 75 and see how it goes! 

Ali goodman