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VESC 6 FOC wizard and current limitations.

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Bor Zabric
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2018-10-05 14:36
Posts: 3
VESC 6 FOC wizard and current limitations.


I set up a C80100 6KW motor on a VESC 6 with the FOC wizard.

It automatically set the phase current to 110 A That seems a bit high to me. I know the hardware limit is 120 A.

How safe is it to run it that hard ?

Does anyone have any experience pushing it to the limit ?

Im using it to run an ebike at 12s. A failure would not be good.



Bor Zabric

Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-22 01:27
Posts: 575

It will be fine at that current, if it starts to get too hot it will automatically reduce the current. You can turn it down a bit if you want to at a reduction in torque.