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Notified of new version of firmware, can't DL it...

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Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-01 03:44
Posts: 5
Notified of new version of firmware, can't DL it...

Hi All,

I'm relatively new to the VESC tool and how to use it, etc...when I opened the tool the couple times I was notified there is an updated version. However when I follow the link it takes me to VESC home page and I can not find the link to DL the newest firmware. Does anyone know what I am supposed to do to get the new version? I am a bronze member and when I try to DL the current package I get denied.

Am I supposed to upgrade my VESC tool to the silver level or what exactly?

Last seen: 1 year 12 months ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:13
Posts: 94

When you open "Purchased Files" in the top right corner and then select one of the available files under the "Files" tab it will not download anything?