I'm using the comm_can_get_status_msg_index(int index) function to read the slave vesc's can status messages. The rpm and duty cycle are reported as expected (same values as in the vesc-tool), but the reported current is not the same as in the vesc-tool.
I saw that the current measure in the status message is generated with the mc_interface_get_tot_current_filtered(void) function so I played around with different current getter functions, but for no function I see the same output as in the realtime data page of the vesc-tool...
I also double checked with the can_devs command in the VESC terminal, which shows the status 1 message and also there the current that is reported does not correspond with the current shown in the realtime data page.
Have I missed something? How should I read the current of the vesc over CAN bus?
I'm using a vesc 4.12 with FW: 3.55
Any advice would help me out a lot!
I just realized that the current sample I receive is not averaged over time, which is why I see big jumps and the value is not the same as in the vesc tool...
the comm_can_get_status_msg_index is a function over uart? or are you messing with the firmwar
How did you read the RPM value from can bus data because I work with the same vesc but I don't know how to calculate RPM and duty cycle from data of 8 bites
you need to look on eRPM, only with sensored motor