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VESC 6+ CAN bus

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-01 11:39
Posts: 7
VESC 6+ CAN bus

I am trying to connect my VESC 6+ to a PiXtend (Raspberry Pi Extension - industrialish) via CAN bus, and struggle to recieve packages from the vesc.

Unfortunately I have not been able to find the technical data for CAN bus for the VESC 6+, so I am not sure wether they are supposed to be able to communicate.


Here is the technical data for PiXtend-V2-L CAN bus



Using the VESC tool I have full controll over my bldc motor with hall sensors, but I am not sure wether the signals are being broadcasted on the can bus. 

I went to connection -> can forward -> assign vesc adress manually -> forward communication over CAN bus




 This should in my understanding make the VESC 6+ send communication over the can bus, even tho it is not connected to another VESC (since the "Forward communication over CAN-bus icon is green).



No signals are sent on the bus at all.

Is there some kind of settings in VESC tool or connection errors I am having? 

Also tried scouring the internet for information, like a usermanual about CAN bus on VESC, with no luck.


Any kind of help would be dearly appreciated :) 

Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2020-02-11 09:15
Posts: 11

This is an edit on previous message.  To broadcast can messages,   the "can status message mode" needs to be  set  (1,2,3,4,5)  on general settings 
