Hello, i bought the maytech vesc, and after configuring everything, i tried to operate it, but it only makes sounds and not spinning, but if i help it just a little bit with my hand (spinning forst and then using the controller), it works, does anyone know why its happening?
Sensorless? Do you give it enough amps when you try to start it?
Just checked it again, it works great, but u have another problem - my throttle expo is just not enough (ive set it to 100%) and still the motor goes to full before i get to the end of the throttle in my controller. Do you know why that happens?
What do you mean by "giving it enough amps? My (sensorless) Motor starts like a charm. But only minutes later it shows the same prob: it vibrates but doesn´t move. When i give it a push it works fine. and gets quite hot.