I have Chibi studio set up on Windows. I am trying to figure out how to open the vesc project. Simply importing the entire repo folder results with a ton of template projects from the STM32 examples, but not the actual vesc.
Does anyone know how to simply load the vesc project in a new install of Chibi Studio?
This has been answered in the old forum by Thierry and as far as I know probably still works http://vedder.se/forums/viewtopic.php?t=165&start=20
in short :
Install Chibi Studio as described on the website video.
>File >New >Makefile Project with Existing Code >Choose existing code location "Browse".
>Project>Properties >C/C++ Build >Configuration "Default", Build Location "Workspace" Choose Project Directory >Apply >OK
>Build and DONE
It does NOT work however if you use the import project wizard..... No Idea why ....