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PID - Position Angle Division

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Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2018-10-09 13:53
Posts: 2
PID - Position Angle Division

Hey guys,

I have a few questions to the PID Position Controller. I have setted up my BLDC Motor with an ABI Encoder, everything is fine. I can reach the positions from 0 to 360° correctly, if the Position Division Angle is 1 ! With the realtime data I can see that the PID_pos_now value is also zero when I set the position control to 0°.

The problem is that there is a gearbox between the mechanical end position. INFO says, with Angle Division I can map one control rotation to several motor rotations. Now I am trying to set up a Factor of 2. When I set now an angle of 0°, PID_pos_now is showing me 320°. Can somebody explain me why this happens? I have already looked up the code around mcpwm_foc.c but I can not find why 0° does not correspond 0° when angle division factor is not equal to 1.

I have also tried to set up the encoder again but it does not work. When I switch back to factor = 1, PID_pos_now corresponds again to encoder angle in realtime data.

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-09-20 05:58
Posts: 1

Position angle division is showing this time. Hope you check all the things which is showing you on the review page. I would like to tell you all the things which show you the devisions and also show you the positions on the page.