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vesc <-> arduino micro troubleshooting UART issues

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Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2018-11-07 19:29
Posts: 16
vesc <-> arduino micro troubleshooting UART issues


I'm trying to get the simple UART example from SolidGeek arduino UART lib to work (on an arduino micro)

The sample (and lib) does compile and upload just fine.

However, all I get is "Failed to get data!" message that seems to happens when there is a hardware communication problem.

VESC firmware 3.4 (i used the latest VESCT_tool to configure them).

  • I tried making several UART cables. I check the 5v betwen 5V and GND. I used a multimeter to check connectivity between all 4 pins.
  • I tried using 2 different VESC (all hardware 412 and fw 3.4, one is a focbox from enertionboards, the other is a chinese ESC from aliexpress that we realised when we receive it that it was in fact a VESC board). 
  • I tried reverting TX/RX

Nothing worked.

How can I troubleshoot the issue?



Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2018-11-07 19:29
Posts: 16

apparently it was a baudrate issue: the one in the github link above and the defaut baudrate in the vesc did not match. i changed the arduino code to match the vesc config and it worked.