Not to mention the confusing names of all these modes...The voltage mapping widget has the wrong display for several modes.
Current Reverse ADC2 Brake Button - this displays as a centered input and grays out the CH2 input.
Current No Reverse Brake Center - This one isn't centered, so its maybe swapped with the one above.
Current No Reverse Brake Button - has the CH2 input enabled
Current No Reverse Brake ADC2 - CH2 is grayed out
Duty Cycle - Shows negative duty cycle
Duty Cycle Reverse Center - not centered and duty cycle can't go negative...
PID Speed Reverse Center - Not centered
Still trying to figure out what the code is trying to do with all these modes.
Found it! The 'Current Reverse ADC2 Brake Button' mode is missing on the comments but shown in the type box, so its all out.
So just added the missing items in the list.