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More detail in tool tips

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Last seen: 1 day 2 hours ago
Joined: 2017-09-22 01:27
Posts: 575
More detail in tool tips

The tooltips are a useful hint at the moment for what each setting does. However they really don't help much when trying to use an undocumented feature. 

For example using ADC app, how are you supposed to know which input is for each button? 

Most of the settings just say something like:

DC ramp step max - Maximum duty cycle ramp step for DC and BLDC motors. 

which basically just states what the option is called.


I would be happy to elaborate somewhat on these descriptions if someone points me to which file I need to edit?

Park Z
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Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2018-07-24 04:29
Posts: 1
I agree with your opinion~

I like VESC !

Last seen: 1 day 2 hours ago
Joined: 2017-09-22 01:27
Posts: 575

So it looks like you edit the help text using the editor in vesc tool which then saves into an xml file. I will add some more info to the individual parameter settings. There are actually descriptions for the menu tabs, but there is no way to view them for things like ADC app etc?! Not sure what is going on there. So I can probably copy some of the explanation into individual parameters.