I'm using Trampa Vesc 75300 R3 with 60V battery and Golden motor HPM-10kw. It have broken 2 time.
First one
Using Fw 5.03 permanent close the power switch. tyr to setup FOC and the flux linkage detected is 0.0 mWb then i update firmware to 6.05 everything working well then about 4 hr. I cann't see the status light anymore but there are high pitch sound from vesc and the 3.3 v is short to gnd.
Second one
I have the pre-charge circuit that working well. I have already upgrade firmware to 6.05 and disable filter. Everything is working well, And I close the power switch after pre-charge and open before disconnected battery. Then about 20 hr. I start the system again when I close the power switch there are nothing happen so I open switch, and then I use usb to connected to vesc75300 nothing happen, but after close the power switch 75300 make high pitch about 5 second the 5V pin is still 5V, the 3.3V is less than 1 V then open circuit everything the 3.3 V is short to gnd. what is happening!!!
both of them connected to the same hall sensor pin that after i check Vcc is don't short to gnd, But H1,H2,H3 is alway 3.3 V not a square wave pulse.
What should I do.