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Very low Flux Linkage calulation FOC,General Tab - 0.0xx mWb

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Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2024-11-26 13:48
Posts: 1
Very low Flux Linkage calulation FOC,General Tab - 0.0xx mWb

First time here and I'll keep it short as I can as it must be an easy fix or a bug.

I am trying to run an evolve GTR  skateboard motor (x2) with 6.05. 1500w Outrunner R=69m, L=67uH,  Ld-Ld=25uH

The motor detects no problem using the Auto-detection wizard and spins up O.K., but one of my motors has bad Hall sensors.So I was hoping to use one of the HFI modes.

I have been able to get the motor to spin up with decent start torque "sort of" by playing with the Flux Linkage by guessing and playing with numbers. but I get some erratic behavior and observer angles are all over the place.

I cannot get the Flux Linkage measurement to result in a reasonable number. I consistently get numbers like 0.023 mWb maybe up to 0.036 which is not even close of course.

The number populated into the General Tab  after running the wizard is usually about mWb.

Anyway, I know I have a lot to learn about VESC even though I do have some EEng training this is a big learning curve.

Anyone have any quick thoughts on the subject? am I missing something obvious?

