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What constitutes a continuous vs burst current?

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Alistair Goodman
Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 2021-08-03 17:44
Posts: 11
What constitutes a continuous vs burst current?

Hi all, 

Quick question about currents.

I'm wondering what constitutes a 'burst current', i.e. how long would the burst need to last before I could expect the VESC to blow. 

In my application im using a VESC 6 75 and will usually be below the 80A recommended max continuous current, but may go up to the 120A burst limit for approximately 0.5s (Assume a sine wave current lasting about 1s with a peak of 120A). 

I know in the world of electronics things that might seem like a short time could be considered pretty long, so unsure if I should expect this to fail.

Any comments greatly appreciated! 

