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How to access VESC error codes in the new VESC tool

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Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2018-04-09 01:42
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How to access VESC error codes in the new VESC tool

Hi everyone,

I apologize if this subject has been addressed before but I was wondering where do I go to read the fault or error codes of my VESC in the new VESC Tool? 

I have been riding my e-board for about a total of two weeks now and all of a sudden my motor will not spin when I pull my remotes throttle. The VESC is flashing a red LED three times every time I pull the throttle and from what I have looked up online it seems there is some fault code that my VESC is producing and thus my VESC is stopping the motor from running.

If someone could tell me where to go in the new VESC Tool so that I can read the errors and start working on the real problem I would appreciate it very much.



Roger Wolff
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
VESC Original
Joined: 2017-05-24 12:27
Posts: 202

After the fault occurs, do not power down the VESC and connect it to your computer. startup,VESC_TOOL, make the connection and then go to the "TERMINAL" tab. Type: "faults"...