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Profiles with dual 75100 for 2wd recumbent trike

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Joined: 2024-01-28 01:13
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Profiles with dual 75100 for 2wd recumbent trike

Hey everyone, long time lurker first time poster. 

I have already built a fwd ebike using a makerbase 75100 v2 alu with different profiles for on-road and off-road use which has been fantastic to use.

I'm in the process of planning out a custom built 2wd recumbent tadpole Trike, with two of the same controllers, one for each motor, I know when setting up currents and things like that it applies to each controller individually, so for 40 Battery amps total I would enter 20A into the firmware, does this also apply to profiles?

so say I wanted a 500w limit and a 2000w limit total, would I enter 250w and 1000w into the respective profiles or do the profiles control total power?


Thanks in advance. 

Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago
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2wd recumbent tadpole Trike,

Save yourself a big headache getting torque steer tuned in and just power the back wheel. With the right setup, you'll have plenty of torque and speed

Onarb Kabr
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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E V E R Y O N E®

(known as Pandora's box...)

Dear Mr. Vedder...(or somebody else)

I am "happy" owner of 100A vesc controller, one kilogram weight ,3.5kW outrunner and 66 pcs. of Li-Ion cells. I highly praise and admire Your masterwork called: VESC TOOL PROJECT...but...possession is not enough to be a Lucky guy. Goddess of Fortune won't smile on you .....until you get educated. And this is a core of my problem. I am standard electrician - electrician bu trade -maintenance guy .. with some Electronic experiences.. but... FOR PROPERLY SET/ADJUSTED VESC-(tool) it's NOT ENOUGH... THIS IS A TASK FOR NARROWLY SPECIALISED - UNIVERSITY EDUCATED EXPERT(S)-! engineers... How Can a guy/girl with medium education fully enjoy their devices which costs several hundreds $or€or£...? Problems which are fixed on vesc forum are not for ordinary folk... plenty of requirements...real QUANTUM of values...Questions seems endless.... So ... what is a solution - (for everyone) ? ...

My proposal is:

pleas ...

# Create (some possible) database (list) of verified-recomended-well estabilished settings of "vesc+mot"-pairs, which's "behavior" -based on (some) requirements will be (briefly) described in attached description. (batt.type too) if it's possible, "pack of settings" could be easy sent by email . Contrive and trump up the way how to transfer "pack of settings" get into vesctool and drop it in vesc.

# Make (affordable payed) service which will Create "custom settings" based on individual "unit behavior" requirements. (May offer limited list of settings of pairs - which's behavior and properties are REALLY and SERIOUSLY tried and approved)

# Make an "homepage post" - place, where satisfied users will publish (in prescribed way) their own settings-experiencies with their pairs (vesc+mot) with behavior-properties of used drive units...(boards, scooters, bikes,vehicles...) (those people could be called DIAMOND CONTRIBUTORS )


# Send me some website where I Can buy some cyanide or any venom....

truly Yours...

Hopeless Holder™

... Sent From my sister's Huawei

Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 2024-01-28 01:13
Posts: 4

Torque steer won't be much of an issue  because both motors and controllers will be identical, plus with the self-centering and ackerman geometry the steering will be stable. 

Even if there is torque steer and I need to work on the setting for each side, is that not the point of fully programable controllers like the VESC?

Plus this is a because I want to project, I know it would be simpler to just run a higher power single motor and controller, but that's not what I want, same thing as  people that do heavy modifications to their cars, doing engine swaps, front/rear wheel conversions, awd conversions, hell I've even seen people do complete twin engines, one for the front and one for the rear, why do that when you can put in a bigger single engine, it's because they wanted to 🙂