Hi all,
I have been trying for a few days to get my brandnew VESC 6.4 to work. It is supposed to be controlled by an Arduino over PPM. The Arduino has a power supply with a switch. If I turn that off, it normaly turns off the Arduino. But with the VESC connected only to Battery GND and PPM Signal to the Arduino pin, it powers the Arduino!
Another problem I have is that the VESC always loses the USB connection to my computer after having it connected for 5sec or so.
Could you try connect it directly to a power supply? So no connections at all accept for the main voltage inputs to a 20V isch power supply?
Hi MaxMaker1, if your Arduino is powered by the VESC and the Arduino is additionally powerd separately you have a ground loop in the system. This ground loop has very likely killed your voltage regulator on the VESC board. For the same reason you should never use Y-PPM on twin VESC setups. The voltage regulators of both devices fight against each other.
Good news: fixing the voltage regulator is not very difficult for someone who can do smd soldering.
Great, so should I send it back to you? Or can I fix this myself? Never soldered SMD, but a lot of Arduino stuff. And what needs to be replaced? Could this fix break the thermal contact to the housing, or does it stay in contact for that?
sorry, I haven't seen your reply.
please send me an email. frank at trampaboards dot com