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Closed Loop Control Not Working

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Last seen: 8 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2024-02-14 05:29
Posts: 1
Closed Loop Control Not Working

Hi VESC community,

I have just finished putting together my third unit of Cheap FOCCER 2 which is an open sourced hardware project that supports VESC. I have went through the motor configuration / wizard a couple times with different motors and controllers and keep running into the same issue. The motor setup wizard and the detect and calculate parameters are the only ways I am able to spin the motors. The control wizard at the bottom of the GUI does not spin the motor instead (and most of the commands in the VESC DEV TOOLS), it just makes a noise and remains stationary. I believe these two configurations that spin the motor run open loop which is why they are able to spin the motor. Every time I send either a duty cycle or speed command to the motor, the current in the RT data does not increase above quiescent current even through the duty cycle jumps to 90-100. I have went through a number of debugging steps I'll list below in the DEV Tools terminal and I'll post my replies. Any further information on how I can continue to debug this issue would be great. Here is the link the motor. I have verified all the hardware is connected correctly.

1) faults = none

2) param_detect 3 600 0.4 - Motor spins extremely rough (not sure if this is closed loop or not) - Detection fails on all inputs I have put in

3) foc_sensors_detect_apply 3 - Found hall sensors, using them

4) hall_analyze 3

Found 6 different states. This seems correct.

Hall diff 1: 2.0 degrees

Hall diff 2: 1.0 degrees

Hall diff 3: 2.0 degrees

Hall diff 4: 2.0 degrees

Hall diff 5: 2.0 degrees

Hall diff 6: 1.0 degrees

Maximum deviation: 0.50 degrees. This is good alignment

5) hw_status

Firmware: 5.1

Hardware: Cheap FOCer 2

UUID: 3E 00 39 00 12 47 33 33 31 31 38 36

Permanent NRF found: No

FOC Current Offsets: 2024 2037 2024

USB config events: 1

USB write timeouts: 0

Mempool mcconf now: 0 highest: 4 (max 9)

Mempool appconf now: 0 highest: 0 (max 2)