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Setting RPM over UART

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Last seen: 6 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2019-10-01 18:30
Posts: 1
Setting RPM over UART

Hello everyone,

I am currently attempting to send some packets to an FSESC 4.20 running firmware 6.02 over UART in order to set RPM, however I'm running into some strange issues! I started by sending the command to get values and parsing the response, which I have confirmed contains the correct data. Next I tried setting the rpm, doing this didn't seem to have any effect at all, so thinking maybe something was wrong with how I was handling multi-byte commands I decided to send the command to request specific values which contains a 4 byte mask making the packet the same length as the set RPM packet. Trying this, I recieved the expected return packet with the requested values. From here I thought maybe I couldn't set values on the ESC for some reason, so I sent the command to set current and yet again nothing happened. Also note that I can get the motor I have attached to spin just fine via VESC Tool connected with USB.

From this it seems to me that I can read values from my device but cannot set them? Am I just missing some sort of safety option set in VESC Tool?

Thanks in advance for any advice anyone might have!