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VESC PID tuning for F1Tenth

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Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2024-05-28 05:47
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VESC PID tuning for F1Tenth

Hello, I was following the  F1Tenth guide to tune the PID for my brushless motor with the Flipsky FSESC4.2:

I got my motors to spin and tune using the FOC Detect and Calculate Parameters (step 6), but when I go to step 8, I'm not getting a clean step response.

The motor just keeps going back and forth (small jitters).

I tried changing the Kp, Ki, Kd, but nothing seems to change...

1. Any idea as to why my motors are jittering?

Also, initially my motor was spinning backwards when tuning, so I flipped some of the leads to make it go forward, I also tried to invert the motor direction. (I'm not sure how to match the 3 leads since the label on the Flipsky A, B, C are not documented correctly from the pictures on their website).

2. How does the "enable servo" work in the App settings -> General? I enabled the option and uploaded the config to my VESC, but when I change the slider for the servo output under Controls, nothing is moving...