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Low torque at 0 RPM

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Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2023-10-25 21:07
Posts: 1
Low torque at 0 RPM

Controller - Makerbase VESC 60100 V2
motor - flipsky 63100 190Kv

Battery voltage - 25v
firmware -V6.05 (tried 6.02, 5.03, 4.02), hardware version - 60
phase filtering - disabled
current - 100A (ABS max - 160A)
max power loss (set in motor setup wizard) - 1500W
FOC. hall sensors
ADC range - correct

*scratching sounds fixed by disabling DRV8301

Issue - too low torque at 0 RPM

Realtime data shows - 250W, 100A, 10% duty at 0 RPM

Power should be way bigger than 250W
I've spent several days. watched dozens of videos, tried tweaking almost all parameters, but still can`t figure out what`s wrong((