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How VESCTOOL Determines the foc_sensor_mode

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Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2019-09-27 20:56
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How VESCTOOL Determines the foc_sensor_mode

My goal is to create a Python script with the same functionality as the VESCTOOL setupwizardfoc. I am using the Pyvesc library to encode and decode messages for the VESC. I send the COMM_DETECT_APPLY_ALL_FOC message, the motor runs correctly, and I receive a response corresponding to the COMM_GET_MCCONF message. So far, I am following the same logic that I observed in the VESCTOOL source code.

What I do not understand is the logic VESCTOOL uses to analyze the mcconf of the VESC and deduce the foc_sensor_mode. In the COMM_GET_MCCONF message that I receive, there are many parameters, as you can see in the text below. However, the only parameter whose value changes depending on the Sensor mode in the FOC tab of VESCTOOL is the following:

foc_duty_dowmramp_ki: 0.0 in sensorless

foc_duty_dowmramp_ki: 2.802596928649634e-45 in hall sensor

foc_duty_dowmramp_ki: 1.401298464324817e-45 in encoder

Message sent by the VESC in response to COMM_DETECT_APPLY_ALL_FOC:

pwm_mode: 131.0
comm_mode: 214.0
motor_type: 32.0
sensor_mode: 122.0
l_current_max: 2.351132194607322e-38
l_current_min: 38.619998931884766
l_in_current_max: -38.619998931884766
l_in_current_min: 99.0
l_abs_current_max: -60.0
l_min_erpm: 150.0
l_max_erpm: -100000.0
l_erpm_start: 100000.0
l_max_erpm_fbrake: 0.800000011920929
l_max_erpm_fbrake_cc: 300.0
l_min_vin: 1500.0
l_max_vin: 8.0
l_battery_cut_start: 57.0
l_battery_cut_end: 10.199999809265137
l_slow_abs_current: 65.0
l_temp_fet_start: 2.5243551976337916e-29
l_temp_fet_end: 85.0
l_temp_motor_start: 100.0
l_temp_motor_end: 85.0
l_temp_accel_dec: 100.0
l_min_duty: 0.15000000596046448
l_max_duty: 0.004999999888241291
l_watt_max: 0.949999988079071
l_watt_min: 1500000.0
sl_min_erpm: -1500000.0
sl_min_erpm_cycle_int_limit: 1.0
sl_max_fullbreak_current_dir_change: 1.0
sl_cycle_int_limit: 1.0
sl_phase_advance_at_br: 150.0
sl_cycle_int_rpm_br: 1100.0
sl_bemf_coupling_k: 10.0
hall_table_0: 66.0
hall_table_1: 120.0
hall_table_2: 0.0
hall_table_3: 0.0
hall_table_4: 63.0
hall_table_5: 76.0
hall_table_6: -52.0
hall_table_7: -51.0
hall_sl_erpm: 80000.0
foc_current_kp: 600.0
foc_current_ki: -1.7148602891164896e+38
foc_f_sw: 6.301567357904227e-36
foc_dt_us: 2000.0
foc_encoder_inverted: 61.0
foc_encoder_offset: 1.396456972987105e-20
foc_encoder_ratio: -4.076628851033237e-19
foc_sensor_mode: 195.0
foc_pll_kp: 8606176256.0
foc_pll_ki: -71.5005111694336
foc_motor_l: 1.1921019904548302e-07
foc_motor_r: -3.68937652243493e+19
foc_motor_flux_linkage: -8.828180325246348e-44
foc_observer_gain: -8.828180325246348e-44
foc_observer_gain_slow: -769658912768.0
foc_duty_dowmramp_kp: -769658912768.0
foc_duty_dowmramp_ki: 0.0
foc_openloop_rpm: 2000.0
foc_sl_openloop_hyst: 30000.0
foc_sl_openloop_time: 3.867000123136677e-05
foc_sl_d_current_duty: 0.0
foc_sl_d_current_factor: 0.08049999922513962
foc_hall_table_0: 59.0
foc_hall_table_1: 250.0
foc_hall_table_2: 105.0
foc_hall_table_3: 190.0
foc_hall_table_4: 75.0
foc_hall_table_5: 130.0
foc_hall_table_6: 157.0
foc_hall_table_7: 128.0
foc_sl_erpm: 0.05000000074505806
foc_sample_v0_v7: 65.0
foc_sample_high_current: 32.0
foc_sat_comp: 2.413596474953065e-41
foc_temp_comp: 0.0
foc_temp_comp_base_temp: 6.261674161866159e-39
s_pid_kp: 8.828180325246348e-44
s_pid_ki: 2.7200758163159178e+23
s_pid_kd: 107374592.0
s_pid_min_erpm: 6.162975822039155e-33
s_pid_allow_braking: 10.0
p_pid_kp: 5.507985782829056e-40
p_pid_ki: 9.925151316279335e-27
p_pid_kd: -1.1886727691035048e-07
p_pid_ang_div: 2.4923494486481196e-41
cc_startup_boost_duty: 0.0
cc_min_current: 1.2611686178923354e-44
cc_gain: -759.199951171875
cc_ramp_step_max: -136315920.0
m_fault_stop_time_ms: -1610612672.0
m_duty_ramp_step: -9.10844001811131e-44
m_current_backoff_gain: 1.0842109612795128e-19
m_encoder_counts: 4194304000.0
m_sensor_port_mode: 65.0
m_invert_direction: 58.0
m_drv8301_oc_mode: 131.0
m_drv8301_oc_adj: 18.0
m_bldc_f_sw_min: 3.992451074025009e+28
m_bldc_f_sw_max: 2.2168541705618606e-41
m_dc_f_sw: -107603880.0
m_ntc_motor_beta: -71.62945556640625