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Reading COMM packets through CAN.

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Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2024-05-20 08:03
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Reading COMM packets through CAN.

Hi yall. This will be my first post.
So the problem at hand is that im trying to control multiple VESCS through the VESC tool which connects to my ESP through UDP. This ESP is connected to the vesc controllers. So far i can read packets through the rx buffer such as the CAN_STATUS messages and such as well as write the COMM messages over CAN as well. However this is wear ive come to an impasse.
I cant figure out how i'd go about reading comm messages such as the "COMM_GET_APPCONF". Because after writing the config with COMM_SET_APPCONF over the can I want to be able to confirm it's set in the vesc tool. This is also for applications such as the hall sensors etc. 

I could do a round about way of just setting values in stored parameters and being confident that the set messages are working and replying to with stored params but that still wont work for hall sensor detection. Ive tried reading for rx buffer messages after sending the get appconf message but that didnt have any luck; is there a specific thing i can look at doing to achieve this.


Hopefully yall understand what i mean. Thanks in advanced