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Difference between regular and 'setup' values in logged csv

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Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2024-04-18 11:30
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Difference between regular and 'setup' values in logged csv

I am using the VESC-Tool logging function to track the data after my experiments with a BLDC motor and I haven't found a thorough explanation of the over 50 values it tracks in the resulting csv. Some are self-explanatory, but some are just confusing to me. Especially the difference between the 'normal' and 'setup' variant of some values. e.g. 'ms_today' and 'ms_today_setup'. They are not the same and seem to be running on different clocks. Similarly the difference between 'current_motor' and 'current_motor_setup' is unclear to me. How are these determined and what clock are they measured on?

A full explanation of the csv would be nice.
