I try to setup motors FOC without using the GUI. The aim is to configure the vesc and the motor automatically with a python script. I would like to know if there is a way to do this configuration without the GUI. I search into vesctool and pyvesc source (https://github.com/LiamBindle/PyVESC/tree/master), and that's what I got:
class DetectApplyFOC(metaclass=VESCMessage):
fields = [
('detect_can', 'i'),
('max_power_loss', 'f'),
('min_current_in', 'f'),
('max_current_in', 'f'),
('openloop_rpm', 'f'),
('sl_erpm', 'f')
serial_port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
serial = serial.Serial(port=serial_port, baudrate=115200)
my_msg = DetectApplyFOC(0, 120, -25, 60, 700, 4000)
while True:
if(serial.in_waiting > 0):
in_buf = b''
while serial.in_waiting > 0:
in_buf += serial.read(serial.in_waiting)
if len(in_buf) == 0:
print("exit here")
response, consumed = pyvesc.decode(in_buf)
if consumed == 0:
print("Received response: ", response)
print("Consumed: ", consumed)
I create a class that contain the message and then I send it to the vesc using serial port and I wait for the response of vesc to print it. Something seems to happen in the motor, it makes the same noise that when it starts a setup motor FOC but it doesn't spin, it just vibrates. I get this error message :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/natuition/Documents/STAGE2024Melvin/configuration_deployer/vesc/script.py", line 158, in <module>
response, consumed = pyvesc.decode(in_buf)
File "/home/natuition/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyvesc/protocol/interface.py", line 18, in decode
return pyvesc.protocol.base.VESCMessage.unpack(msg_payload), consumed
File "/home/natuition/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyvesc/protocol/base.py", line 85, in unpack
data = list(struct.unpack_from(VESCMessage._endian_fmt + msg_type._fmt_fields, msg_bytes, 1))
struct.error: unpack_from requires a buffer of at least 25 bytes for unpacking 24 bytes at offset 1 (actual buffer size is 3)
If someone wan't to join me please write to : v.lambert@natuition.com