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Motor FOC Config Wizard only sees "local" motor, not CAN connected

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Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2024-03-08 10:15
Posts: 2
Motor FOC Config Wizard only sees "local" motor, not CAN connected

Hello, New to VESC here, done a ton of reading, and bought the bits to do my eScooter project, (retrofitting a Kaabo Mantis 10 Pro). But I'm having some trouble with the Motor FOC Detection/Wizard.

Not sure if this belongs here or in the "third party hardware". Feel free to move it if I've put it in the wrong place.

I'm using VESC Tool 6.02 and firmware 6.02 on a pair of Spintend UBOX 85/150 Singles. Specifically these:

The "Master" end of the CAN cable is on the rear wheel, slave is on the front wheel. Power switch is on the Master, as is the BLE adapter. I've tried this via the Android App, as well as desktop app connected to master via USB-C, both behave identically.

When I connect, they connect up fine, detect firmware is good, etc... I can see both devices via CAN.

When I run the motor FOC wizard, when done and ready to run the test, only the rear wheel spins (one connected to master). But the results window shows the ID of the VESC to be the same ID shown for the Slave (via CAN), I don't know where I can see the ID of the "Master", since it's showing as "Local" everywhere.

After this process, the Slave is no longer visible on CAN anymore, and I have to power cycle the VESCs to get them to connect and detect correctly again.

Sometimes when I run the wizard process, instead of spinning the wheels, I get either "Failed to read motor settings" or "Failed to write motor settings" (only about 25% of the time, the other 75% it works fine, but only spins the rear wheel).

Also FYI I am not applying defaults when prompted by the setup wizard. From the tutorials I saw most of them said not to do this, so I said "NO". Since these are brand new controllers, not sure if I should or shouldn't do that. (hesitant to do it and risk blowing one up).

Another note, my battery was at reasonably low charge (it's a 16S7P pack, and it was sitting at about 35% according to the RT Data screen, so figured it was fine to run the setup wizard, but it's possible it's sagging a bit, I charged the battery overnight and will try again today, but just mentioning this in case it's related, but still asking the question now in case anyone has other suggestions I've missed).

Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.



Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2024-03-08 10:15
Posts: 2

Quick update on this, tested again with fully charged battery, definitely no sagging going on, they behave identically. So wasn't that.

I was able to connect to each device directly (by disconnecting CAN, and moving the NRF), and run the wizard individually, and each motor works great, so definitely just CAN related.

Doing this, I was able to confirm my suspicion that the ids were the same. I couldn't find a way on the Android app to change those, so my testing finished there, will try again with the desktop app.

Looks like it might be the conflicting Vesc IDs, but if anyone has any suggestions or ideas it will be greatly appreciated.
