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Control VESC with PPM and Simultaneously get Data with CAN

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Last seen: 11 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2024-01-09 14:49
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Control VESC with PPM and Simultaneously get Data with CAN

I have 8 motors connected and running with VESC using individual PPM Values for each VESC using PPM inputs from an 8 channel ppm receiver. 
I want to get the operational data of all 8 motors via Arduino Mega using CAN from all 8 motors.

The problem is that once I connect CAN among these motor VESCs and run the Setup Wizards (FOC and INPUT), the motors only take one input from one of the Motor PPM and the CAN-connected motors run together with a single PPM. Although, I can get the data via Arduino. 

Is there a way to enable CAN only for DATA Collection by Arduino and not share the PPM Input Signals? 