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48N32P sync loss

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Last seen: 8 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-10-27 15:16
Posts: 5
48N32P sync loss


I try to drive 48N32P pancake 170mm motor with 75200 ESC in 5.3Firmware.

I don't get the FOC calibration working successfully unless I set alpha values lower that 700ERPM/s and current value greater than 20AMPS.

With alpha values under 700ERPM/s the calibration make the motor turn smoothly without sync loss and I get all green value as this below:

  • R 1mOhm
  • L 40,48uH
  • Motor inductance dif 11,02uH
  • Motor Flux LAMBDA 9,631
  • KP 0,04
  • Ki 1,02
  • Observer gain 10,78

After, when I try to drive it in current mode, there is no sync loss but the motor not take rpm and make scattered movements forth ad back.

I don't understand why, during the calibration it take acceleration smoothly....

What I can do the make it work?

Thank you in advance for your help.