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More than 1A spike from the 5V 1A port of the VESC 6 HP

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Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2023-02-06 19:23
Posts: 5
More than 1A spike from the 5V 1A port of the VESC 6 HP


I wanted to add an external display to my VESC via the VescUart repository on GitHub, when I turn my VESC off I want to save some values like the trip distance as an example in the EEPROM of the Arduino driving the display, so I thought I would add a small capacitor bank to supply the Arduino with energy during the short time when the VESC is already off and the Arduino saves to the EEPROM. The capacitor bank has 23.500uF, when charging it up the current spikes above 1A for a short amount of time, maybe a second or so, will this harm my VESC in any way or is there even a better solution to this problem?

Thank you and any help is appreciated!