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Motor Detection Error

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Last seen: 1 year 1 week ago
Joined: 2023-01-31 22:35
Posts: 1
Motor Detection Error

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help with my problem,

I have a dual fsesc75100 motor controller from flipsky and 2 motors from flipsky (both the same model).

When i connect my controller to a power supply, both blue LEDs light up, but the controller on the right is a bit dimmer. In addition the green LED on the controller on the right doesn't light up - only the one on the left does.

Finally, when i try to connect a motor to the software, the controller on the left works as normal (detects connection, runs motor setup, can control motor as normal), but the controller on the right, when connected to my PC, doesn't even appear as an option to connect.

Does anyone know if this is an issue with the board? Will I need to get a new one? Or is it a software problem and if so how do i fix this?

