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Throttle reworking for DPVs

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Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2023-04-03 01:16
Posts: 3
Throttle reworking for DPVs

Could a newbie to the VESC project get guidance on the throttle routines that the VESC firmware employees? Specifically, where to find them in the code base and best practices for modifying.


I am completely new to the VESC project but very excited about the potential application to underwater diver propulsion vehicles (DPVs -- commonly known as 'scooters'). Being an underwater device, throttle options are usually mechanical in nature and use reed sensors in conjunction with a mechanical trigger to allow throttle input across a waterproof fuselage. Throttle inputs are typically coded into a sequence of trigger taps and pre-determined throttle levels. For example, to increase the throttle setting, the user would issue two short releases of the throttle trigger within a time window. A single release would indicate a decrease in throttle. Etc. 

My expectation is that to use a VESC controller on a DPV project, the simplest method would be to retain that mechanical trigger mechanism rather than introduce electronics into the throttle that must be waterproofed and/or passed through a waterproof bulkhead. Rewriting the throttle routines in the firmware seems easier than adapting a PPM or analog throttle singal.