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Reverse polarity with 12V battery on Vesc 6, now giving fault codes

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2023-02-16 08:41
Posts: 12
Reverse polarity with 12V battery on Vesc 6, now giving fault codes

Hey, I made a mistake and connected the wrong wires to a 12V car battery on my vesc, I connected the battery plug minus pole on the battery for half a second, bits of metal flew off the battery pin and I immediately disconnected. I had connected the plus to minus and caused reverse polarity, smoke came from the XT90 power plug but not from the vesc

Ever since the vesc is now blinking red when connecting, I haven't tried running it but I ran the faults in terminal and got this: 


The following faults were registered since start:



Motor : 1

Current : 0.0

Current filtered : 0.0

Voltage : 12.68

Duty : 0.058

RPM : -1.0

Tacho : 2

Cycles running : 0

TIM duty : 325

TIM val samp : 2800

TIM current samp : 2800

TIM top : 5600

Comm step : 0

Temperature : 23.38


I found that the FETLB and FETHB should be "external FET, phase B, high and low side". Not sure what the GVDD_UV is

Is my VESC board ruined? Should I replace the power plug? I can't really decipher what to do with these error codes

Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2023-02-16 08:41
Posts: 12 

This is what the circuit board looks like

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Reverse polarity is one of the things these unity don't like at all. If you are really lucky, only the DRV chip blew up and needs replaceing.