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3Shul 700A reporting negative current spikes

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2022-04-22 01:27
Posts: 2
3Shul 700A reporting negative current spikes

Wondering if anyone might have thoughts about this:






- This is a 3Shul 700A VESC based device
- Was working fine, then blew up an ESC due to water damage and had to replace
- Didnt have an up-to-date motor config saved so had to recreate
- Auto-tune wasn't quite satisfactory and had to play around with observer gain a bit to get rid of some shudder
- Was getting ABS_CURRENT errors so applied the slow filter setting and this resolved it. This didnt happen with the old controller
- Motor seemed to run fine. took it out, reviewed data logged over CAN and observed this behavior. Could not notice it on the vehicle.

Note: Current limit is set to 300A, controller driven in duty mode at the moment. Duty is about ~80-85% where this is occurring.