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Stator Saturation Compensation Mode

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Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2018-12-16 02:51
Posts: 3
Stator Saturation Compensation Mode

Hi all,

I would love if someone could briefly explain the "Stator Saturation Compensation Mode"  setting in VESC tool V.6.00

Specifically if I choose "Lambda" as the compensation mode which is described in the help box as "This requires that one of the observers with Lambda Compensation is used"..

Does this mean the setting is dependent on another setting I have to tweak such as the 'Saturation Compensation Factor' or something else, or is the Lambda mode kind of automatic?



Last seen: 6 months 1 hour ago
Joined: 2022-10-19 06:57
Posts: 1

I do not fully understand saturation modes however I can answer part of your question. Lambda Compensation corresponds with a "Lambda Comp" sensorless observer algorithm. So the algorithm selected for determining rotor position in sensorless operation is used to set the level of saturation compensation. So you must have "Lambda Comp" selected as your sensorless observer algorithm for that setting to be effective. I have played around with these settings trying to improve the sensored/sensorless transition at high current on a VESC onewheel. I found setting Stator Saturation Compensation Mode to "Factor" and Factor up to 20% to assist with tuning out my issue. I tried many combinations of different settings and that's what worked in my particular situation. The "factor" setting reduces inductance as you approach max amps by the % set. Don't take any of this as gospel I'm just learning about this ATM.