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Reverse button not working

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Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2022-12-08 22:47
Posts: 12
Reverse button not working

I need some help with reverse button. I have an "Ewheel ADC adapter V2 for diy ebike escooter with vesc". Everything seems to be working well, except the reverse button. I read many threads here, from what I understand, if you select ADC as the APP, the firmware will use the RX to GND to reverse. Tried that and it did not work.


Also tried to use ADC+UART as the APP, in this case, I saw that the servo pin connected to GND will reverse the motor direction. Also did not work.


Also, after Setup input, the Bluetooth control is not working any more. Is this right?


How can I debug this, is it possible to print RX and Servo ports status somehow?


By the way, I am using a Flipsky 75200 board.

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2022-12-08 22:47
Posts: 12

The solution to the "Setup Input" not properly configuring the "ADC" app was found.

To resolve the issue, navigate to "App Settings" -> "ADC" -> "Control Type" and ensure that "Current reverse ADC2 Brake Button" is selected. Don't forget to save the app data.

Additionally, make sure that "App Settings" -> "General" -> "APP to Use" is set to use only the "ADC" app.

This information may be helpful for others encountering the same issue.