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SINE/COS encoder makes motor not work

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2022-09-27 20:32
Posts: 2
SINE/COS encoder makes motor not work

Hello, I am using the VESC 100/250 motor controller with the following motor:

ME1507 (ME1905) Brushless 14.5kW Cont. 44kW Pk. IPM Motor 48-100V - - Brushless IPM Motors - MOTORS - EV PARTS (

I am trying to use the SIN/COS encoder feature on the VESC-Project software. However, whenever I enable it, the motor doesn't move no matter how much current I use. When I turn on real time data, it shows that there is current going to the motor but it isn't spinning at all. These are the settings that I have changed from default.

Motor Settings -> General -> Sesnors -> Sensor Port Mode: Changed to "Sin/Cos Encoder"

Motor Settings -> FOC -> General -> Sensor Mode: Changed to "Encoder"

App Settings -> General -> App to Use: Changed to "No App"

I mainly just tried following Benjamin Vedder's SINE/COSINE video as closely as possible.

(3) VESC Sin/Cos Encoder - YouTube

After changing these settings, I used the lisp example code "encoder_sincos_cal.lisp" to find the sine and cosine amplitudes and offsets and applied them to the sensor settings under Motor Settings. After applying these settings, the position of the motor is seen but the RPM is still seen from sensorless. The motor will also not spin even after applying current to it. Is there something here that I am missing? Let me know if any more info is needed.


Last seen: 2 months 16 hours ago
Joined: 2022-03-08 11:36
Posts: 1


Same happened with me.

Go to Motor settings > Additional info > Motor General > Position Sensor

Change it to Other Sensor and it should be working.