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Impact of motor resistance value vs temperature

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Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2022-10-12 13:40
Posts: 7
Impact of motor resistance value vs temperature


We have a system running nicely in the office (22C) but outside in the cold it doesn't always start properly. Yesterday I tried measuring motor resistance in different temperatures, and the resistance measured increased from 30 mOhm to 50 mOhm when the motor/VESC cooled down from 20C to 4C. I would expect resistance to go down instead since electrical resistance in copper decreases with decreasing temperature, so I was a bit surprised. As far as I could see, the only parameter directly impacted by this in addition tho the resistance, was the current controller integral gain (Current KI).

Any tips to what value to set to get a reasonable ok performance is welcome.

