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Request Feature to add minimum Battery Voltage value in addition to duty cycle for field weakening

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Last seen: 9 months 10 hours ago
Joined: 2020-09-23 02:22
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Request Feature to add minimum Battery Voltage value in addition to duty cycle for field weakening

feature request to add a field for minimum battery voltage for field weakening to enable.. to work alongside the percent duty cycle value

my context is in a balance board/app where field weakening at low battery may be poor user experience or unsafe . It is possible this may be desirable in other EV contexts to lessen potential stress on batteries at low percentages

explanation of the behavior and my use case below:

i have a 14s3p sanyo cell (30amp max discharge) battery pack i built for my onewheel plus (58v).. it is similar to a cbxr or jwxr just one less S. i could get about 25 miles of range on this battery pack with a "plus" controller.. most of which would come from when the battery was between 48v and 58v.. the 42v technically being zero percent for a cell but the plus doesnt perform well below 48v.. the cells discharge super fast because the controller is pulling more amps to compensate for lower V

basically.. from 58v to 50v i want to have field weakening enabled because it feels good.. i can get to 19mph on my little focer build and the ride is great ut below 50v.. the duty cycle starts getting high at low speeds and the ride goes sketch if i have field weakening enabled at all... so i would like to automatically turn it off when it gets below 50v. Specifically, at low speeds  it is really easy to nose dive and bumps causes a signiificant increase nose dipping.


let me know if you have any questions or need any data
