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HFI plot

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Rick van der Sloot
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2022-09-16 21:32
Posts: 5
HFI plot


New user here, running some test with a VESC EDU and a Scorpion Outrunner 380 Kv medium size drone outrunner motor.

Just getting to know the features to validate if a Vesc setup can be successfully used in a full-scale project.

Want to check the HFI parameters, have watched some youtube video's about this item.

But it seems that the HFI Plot function on the Realtime data is not working correctly in my case.

Running a Vesc Tool (Beta) 4.00 Version 8 on a Windows machine.

Have enabled HFI plot in the terminal.

Only shows at the most 20 scattered  stationary data points in the graph. Seems like autoscaling or something like that is not working, tried to push some 'buttons' without any change in behavior.

Also tried the same with the latest released Vesc Tool (3.01) and there the HFI Plot works as shown in the video's.

Best regards,
