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Starter motor stoping for no apparent reason

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Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2022-07-27 15:28
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Starter motor stoping for no apparent reason

Hello everyone,


I'll start by saying sorry for my poor English and that I'm not using the open source side of this project because my C++ knowledge is none.

So, my problem is that I'm using a TMOTOR U8 KV135 as a starter motor for an combustion engine with a VESC6 MKV (5.3 firmware) and it seems to be a little bit weak for the job.

It actually is a ~20 A motor and I was trying to put 40 A too see if it could spin a little, since at 20 A it doesn't. It is working as a BLDC motor because I was not able to make it spin as a FOC motor, even with the engine valves opened (I think is not capable of working as FOC). The motor seems to switch off completely when I try +25 A and I don't know if the problem is at motor side or VESC6 side.

I also make sure that the options for the battery do not limit this output current and the options off the motor are nicely set (with the VESC TOOL).

I just need to push its torque to the limit for a quick moment so that the engine could start working.


Can someone help me? I'm sorry if I'm being too superficial but I don't know a best way to explain my problem.

Thanks for your attention.

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These motors can be a bit hard to dial in. Please look at this video, also tuning for a high pole count T-Motor. The standard detection might not work great for these motors.

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2022-08-11 06:57
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I need to buy TMOTOR U8 KV135 to replace for the old one. Where I can order it?

Stickman Boost


Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 2023-10-12 05:14
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You can get the tmotor direct from their website. I am able to run the u12 to start an engine. All default settings. Even the regen brake are all left as it is.It may be due to the duty cycle being too high at the start, try lowering the duty cycle lower when detecting using FOC.