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Bluetooth connection UUID issue-how to find it?

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Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2021-08-14 01:44
Posts: 1
Bluetooth connection UUID issue-how to find it?

Thanks for your help! Total beginner here.

I tripped over my usb cord and ripped off the usb nib on my Makerx h200 VESC. so no usb connection to my pc!

I initially got around the issue by connecting  a bluetooth module to  the VESC and then using the Mobile VESC tool but after getting almost all parameters set the app now says "This VESC is not paired to your local version of VESC Tool. You can add the UUID manually.........

Is it asking for the UUID of the Bluetooth adaptor? I connected it to my pc and tried finding the UUID of the Bluetooth device under properties to no avail. I even tried putting in the numbers on the adaptor. The VESC tool says it needs to be 24 parabolic characters.

 All I needed to do was smooth out the throttle curve before this happened. So close!