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Vesc Tool For Mac

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-07 17:09
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Vesc Tool For Mac

Apologies first of all, especially if there is a thread out there for this. But, I've been searching all over the forum for a few hours over several days and not able to find help thus far.

I paid my Gold subscription and downloaded the files sent to me by email. My old windows laptop doesn't seem to have the right graphics card. So, I was delighted to see a download for Mac and did not delay in doing so. 

Everything seemed to go as expected until trying to open the app. I get the VescTool App logo bounce up and down in my dock, like it's trying to open and then nothing. Tried everything in my Mac toolbox to try and force it to open, but alas, nothing happens. I'm quite certain it's user error but I'd be most grateful if anyone can hit me as hard as you like with whatever I'm doing wrong.

Here's what I'm working from.


And once I get the right vesctool up and running I'll continue to try softening the braking on my son's eskateboard. I'm using ackmaniac's version of the tool which has helped with most of the functions but this one has me stumped! I'm hoping the Mac Version will come to life and have what I need.


Thanks you lovely people.


Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
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VESC-Tool should run on quite old laptops if they run Win 10. Personally I run it on a very old Windows machine from 2008. I haven't yet hear of the Mac issue you describe. Maybe some other MAC users have an answer for you.